Thursday, October 7, 2010

Your Diabetes Isn’t Going Away on its Own

  The fact is there are more effective methods for controlling your blood sugar and wiping diabetes out of your life permanently, in 4 weeks or less, without insulin injections and without drugs. You can do it naturally with supplements, whole-foods and special recipes that attack diabetes at the core, obliterating it for good, I did. With Diabetes, you most likely have other associated problems that goes hand in hand with this High Blood Pressure.  Deadly satin drugs are not the answer.  If you want your good health back--- Take a look at this.    SEE HERE!!  -----To be continued.....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Difference Between Conventional And Holistic Medicine

The focus of conventional medicine is to treat the disease or symptoms, using harmful chemicals with possible deadly side effects. Holistic medicine treats the whole person and works on strengthening the body’s innate healing ability through the use of herbs, holistic nutrition and other holistic healing techniques.